{% for lots in pagination %} {% endfor %}
{{ knp_pagination_sortable(pagination, 'import_date', 'import_date') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(pagination, 'Lot_id', 'lot_id') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(pagination, 'shipment_id', 'shipment_id') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(pagination, 'company', 'company') }} {{ knp_pagination_sortable(pagination, 'Total orders', 'n_order') }} Reports Actions
{{ lots.import_date }} {{ lots.lot_id }} {{ lots.shipment_id }} {{ lots.company }} {{ lots.n_order }} {% if lots.date_start is not null %}
{% endif %}
{% if lots.date_start is null %} Start Process {% endif %} {% if lots.date_start is not null and not lots.end_picking %} Picking {% endif %} {% if lots.date_start is not null and lots.end_picking %} Packing {% endif %} {% if is_granted('export_trackings') %} {% endif %} {# {% if is_granted('export_tracking_tags') %}#} {# #} {# {% endif %}#}